
Women’s Zen Superfood Blend

By Heather Sheridan  ●  June 23, 2023

This homemade blend is full of phytonutrients and phytoestrogens and packs a variety of plant points into your day.


Mix together well and store in a glass jar. Use the Superfood Blend to add to your morning porridge or smoothies.

   Prepped in 10 minutes

    Ready in 10 minutes

  Serves about 25 teaspoons

  • ¼ cup baobab powder
  • 2 tbsp maca powder
  • 2 tbsp ashwagandha powder
  • 1 tbsp hibiscus (ground in a food processor or blender)
  • 1 tbsp ground flax
  • 1 tbsp beetroot powder

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